Study Abroad

Our mission for Hardin-Simmons University’s International Studies program is to provide access to international academic programs that foster an understanding of the global community and serve students, faculty, and departments by facilitating the development and implementation of quality international academic experiences.

Study abroad programs at HSU vary in length from a full academic year to three weeks during the summer. 我们在以下方面有学习项目和合作伙伴:

伦敦学期每年春季学期带你去伦敦. 出国留学的学习让你从许多其他HSU学生中脱颖而出. You have the vision to see that a semester of international study will enrich your academic experience and you’re your undergraduate degree exceptional. 这个项目需要你投入金钱和时间, 但我向你保证,回报将是巨大的.

伦敦将成为你一个学期的教室和家. You will study with both British and American professors utilizing the city of London as your classroom. 你将在伦敦进行多次短途旅行, 一些离开伦敦的一日游, 还有去英国的春假之旅, Scotland, and Wales. 很少有其他海外留学项目能提供这么多.

SELECTION CRITERIA: Each University will select up to ten students to participate in the London Semester. The participants will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. G.P.A. of 2.5 or better (cumulative)
  2. 两名教员的评估
  3. 学术和学院成绩

Your application will be reviewed by the London Program Director to determine which applicants are most qualified.

Join the HSU London Facebook Group to stay informed.

Our goal is to choose students who have demonstrated the following characteristics: they perform well in classes; they are dependable, cooperative, and considerate; they are disciplined and prompt; they are intellectually curious and flexible, and finally, 他们是正直的人.

HSU为学生提供一个学期的出国机会 Salzburg College, Salzburg, Austria.

This very economical program is unique because it also includes a week-long field trip through Germany and a five-day trip to Vienna. Students have a two-week break to travel on their own and explore Europe. Students participating in this program live in Austrian homes that are carefully selected to provide a secure family environment.

All of the courses taken at Salzburg College are taught in English by European faculty. Salzburg College offers you an academic program tailored to your needs, with small classes and dedicated professors who encourage you to integrate your personal experience into your coursework. 让萨尔茨堡、奥地利和欧洲成为你的课堂!

而萨尔茨堡学院的所有课程都对所有学生开放, 已经开发了某些重点领域. These include specialized field trips 以及其他专业机会.

你好,我想去澳大利亚留学? HSU offers students the chance to study at two universities in Australia: Macquarie University 在悉尼的六个校区之一 澳大利亚天主教大学 (ACU).

Studying in Australia gives you the opportunity to experience life in one of the world’s most beautiful and cosmopolitan cities. 在你面前的是机会, experiences, 这些挑战可能会改变你看待生活的方式, the world, and your place in it.


  • Study courses that you may not have the opportunity to study at HSU.
  • Study with professors and students from Australia and across the world who offer a fresh perspective.
  • Build up an international network of people who share similar academic, professional, and personal goals.


  • 体验不同的教育体系, a different way of life, 并与你来自世界各地的新朋友分享.
  • Soak up the atmosphere of one of the world’s great cities – from beaches to high culture, 悉尼是一个真正的国际化和多元文化的城市.
  • 探索环太平洋地区,探索澳大利亚!


  • Challenge yourself to succeed in a new education system, a new environment.
  • Challenge yourself to learn and embrace something new, in the classroom and in the real world.
  • Challenges will present themselves in all shapes and sizes, are you ready?

Salamanca & 萨拉曼卡大学

  • Castilla y León
  • 联合国教科文组织世界遗产城市
  • University founded in 1218
  • 欧洲第三古老的大学

Housing options

  • Host homes vs. Dorms
  • 要单人间还是双人间
  • 包括浴室,书桌,衣柜,书架
  • Has a workout room
  • 自动售货机(咖啡 .70 euro!!)
  • Lounge area with TV
  • 乒乓球桌和桌上足球桌

Culture and Food

  • There is no Mexican food (except for one place on the Plaza Mayor)
  • 美国连锁店只在大城市开
  • 他们熬到很晚,真的很晚.
  • Siesta from 2-5ish p.m.
  • 西班牙菜是舶来品,不像快餐

Travel and Fun

  • 学校提供一些旅游机会
  • 和来自世界各地的学生一起踢足球
  • 和西班牙人交朋友
  • 你自己安排周末旅行
  • 在周末,学生可以去附近或很远的地方旅行。
    • Ávila
    • Madrid
    • Segovia
    • Aveiro, Portugal
    • 或者去任何你想去的地方

你有机会学习一个学期 香港浸会大学


  • 对任何专业都有帮助的文化体验
  • 去亚洲旅游的机会
  • 你的经济援助也会随之而去

学生可以在秋季学期或春季学期学习. All courses are offered in English and are readily applicable to their HSU degree plans. While attending HKBU, 学生住在国际公寓, which has hotel type accommodations with two students per room and private bath facilities. 可以在大学的中央餐饮设施用餐, 早餐由国际公寓提供. 就读浸大的学费与就读大的学费相同, which makes the program our most affordable academic study abroad program.

While attending HKBU, students have extensive opportunity to travel throughout the Pacific Rim area, including Thailand, mainland China, Singapore, and Taiwan. School-sponsored trips to Beijing and other mainland China cities are also available.

Interested students should apply to the HSU International Studies Office for study at HKBU by March 15 for the Fall semester and October 15 for the Spring semester.


意大利暑期留学项目: We host a special trip with opportunities for students to earn HSU course credits while traveling to Italy to explore topics in art history and culture, 并从我们的HSU合作伙伴那里学习艺术课程, 圣帕雷帕塔国际艺术学院.

May 22- June 23, 2022

Interest Meeting: Nov. 2021年8月16日,弗罗斯特中心103室演讲厅,下午5:30.m.

HSU Faculty Facilitator: Linda Fawcett

The HSU art program is making its semi-regular faculty-led trip to Italy for the summer of 2022 jointly led by the McMurry Art department and Sponsored by SRISA International school of art in Florence, Italy.

Summer Courses

  • Art 2306艺术史调查I(旅游)*美术核心学分
  • Art 2307艺术史调查2(旅游)*美术核心学分
  • 艺术4099佛罗伦萨艺术史I(旅游)
  • 艺术4099佛罗伦萨艺术史II(旅游)
  • ART 3333水彩画(旅游)
  • 高级绘画和拼贴(旅游)

More in-depth information regarding the trip and tentative schedule of activities.

General Interest Form

Many other destinations are available too through HSU faculty-led trips, the CGE, and the CCCU. 奖学金适用于HSU旅行.


Hardin-Simmons University International Studies offers generous scholarships for HSU faculty led trips that can make the cost of studying abroad as affordable as studying on campus! 此外,在HSU, HSU教师带领的旅行也适用集体学费.

Follow us on social media to keep up with current students studying abroad and learn what your experience could be:

Twitter: @HSUStudyAbroad

Instagram: @hsustudyabroad

国际研究办公室在SR 116.

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